This week I am going to start a new feature called "Well-Versed Wednesday". Each week I will post three words and I would like you to please comment using one, two or all three of the words! Be creative!
Where will I get my words? I am so glad you asked! Each week my son's second grade teacher gives three additional spelling words that are very advanced for them (sometimes they are advanced for me too)- just to challenge the students and expose them to words they aren't likely to encounter in typical second grade lit. (They are extra credit). So - for now, I shall use Mr. Moore's challenge words.
Here are this week's words: monotonous, humanitarian, awkwardly
Poetry Friday is Here!
5 days ago
monotonous, humanitarian, awkwardly.....
Okay, really bad joke here...
Homo Sapien from Italy = Human Itarian....
Does Hippopotamus rhyme with Monotonous?
Yeah.... pretty bad I know :P I'm sure I could fit 'awkwardly' into a sentence as well without using it properly.
"And the winner of the "Super Awkwardly Monotonous And Never Tempted to be Humanitarian Award (SAMANTHA)" goes to.....
Did you expect anything less from me? :*
LOL - not at all! I am thrilled that you are playing along! :) That is what I wanted - for people to have fun with the words...
Thank you Froggy for a proper example. :)
As I stood there and awkwardly accepted yet another Humanitarian Of The Year Award, I wondered if it was ungrateful of me to think of these ceremonies as monotonous.
Ok - that sucked....but I tried!
No - that is also awesome! Thank you for playing!
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