06 July 2008

What's been going on?

So - I have been very busy with - well, life! Apparently there is a LOT you can do in the summer when you aren't struggling to avoid a nervous breakdown and pulling your hair out.

I have loosely been following the flylady's schedule/plan (she and I part company on the shoe issue. I don't even HAVE shoes that tie, but I DO have a shiny sink!) while William has been going to the recreation program sponsored by the township. In the afternoons we have been going for walks and to the library and to Johnson's Farm and just hanging out watching a LOT of movies in our little theatre. Oh yeah - and board games and card games oh my!

William and I drove to Wildwood Crest to visit my mother at her beach house for the fourth. We had a great day, visited the boardwalk, rode the tram car and even spent some time at the beach. We came home the next morning because Ron wanted to change the oil and rotate the tires on the Murano.

Last Thursday we went swimming at Atsion Lake - what a tremendous deal that is! $5 for a carload for the whole day. The water is cedar water so it looks like you are swimming in a big vat of iced tea. We went with BlackBeltRecProgramCounselor and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We will definitely be doing that again! No doubt about it. I did burn though - in spite of my best efforts.

This week coming up we are going camping. As far as I know there is still no WiFi there - so there will be no posting, except possibly by cell phone. So everyone enjoy yourselves - I will try to get an episode of Rebecca's Saga up before I go.


Marvin said...

Wow, you've been busy! What a fun summer for you! I'm glad you have time to post. ;-)

Frog said...

Sounds to me like you're making the most of it!! Not sure about swimming in tea though .... think I'd rather drink it :D