Well - I have to say that I am surprised at this entry. When I first saw this picture at the Weekend Wordsmith I thought, "What on EARTH am I going to write about THAT." And then, all of a sudden a story sort of started in my head... so I share with you...
Salve for Her Soul
The beautiful crisp day stretched out before her like an empty canvas - full of hope and possibility. She saw her to-do list unfold before her, realizing that on some level she knew it would be like this. You can't buy a century-old house without inheriting a laundry list of things that need attention.
She lay there for a few moments to consider how she came to be alone in this old house with too much work for one person. The accident seemed like a dream at first. Very hazy - drizzly sequences ending abruptly at the cemetery. Her tiny daughter was suddenly gone, leaving Rick and her with just each other. Each of them felt more alone when they were together - missing her in very different ways. Their marriage couldn't withstand the loss and they simply walked away. It wasn't ugly. It was actually just sad.
And so she found herself back where she started. What was that she always said - about not ever going back? Not putting your foot in the same river twice? And yet, she was almost drawn here - finding comfort in the familiar hills and slower pace.
"Time enough to sleep when you are dead!" She could hear her mother's words in her head. Rebecca knew she was right - it was time to get up. Her feet hit the ground and headed straight for the gardening clogs. She bounced down the stairs tying her hair back in a red bandana - the mulch won't get spread on it's own! Work is a salve for an aching soul... maybe that was why she chose this old house after-all.
To be continued??
I like this! Yes, do continue the story so I can find out what she does next ... and how it ends.
You don't have to use the picture I post at Weekend Wordsmith, you know. When I thought "framed," I was actually thinking about a framed photo. When googled "framed," however, this is one of the photos that popped up. And it was just too intriguing to pass up.
But I am very visual, Bonnie - I will look at a picture before I will read a title. It is okay - really. And "Framed" may work into it later if I write more anyway - I can't tell right now.
Well you painted a picture for me.
I'm looking forward to reading your first book (did you write one already?)
I hope you do continue the story and I think it is poignant for this day and age. Lots of women are finding themselves alone. And struggling with what to do with their life.
Please continue the story, I love it so far. You should consider writing more (in your spare time). :-)
Oh yes, I say continue. It's a great start and leaves us wanting more. ;)
For people who may wander over here from Weekend Wordsmith, let me tell you this story has continued. Click on the "framed" picture in DaisyBug's sidebar, or paste this in your browser:
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